If you setup the plugin just on 1 spigot, the spigot is your main server
Proxy config
If you setup the plugin with a proxy, the proxy is the mainServer and the spigot ones need to be at false for mainServer
all servers need to have the same secret, so copy paste one in every config
Config the main server
Set wsPort to a free port on your server
On wsUrl replace localhost with the ip of your server and the port by the port you set
mainServer:false# Connection secret, generated by the plugin, copy paste the same secret in every server using the pluginsecret:oPxw3_Ws3_qL8nbPj5I6_A# If mainServer is true, port of the websocket, change localhost by the ip of this serverwsPort:8080wsUrl:ws://localhost:8080# Tags used for translation placeholders, e.g. [lang]testtest[/lang]startTag:'[lang]'endTag:'[/lang]'# Default language when a player connectdefaultLanguage:english# Editor url (DON'T EDIT IF YOU'RE NOT SURE)editorURL:http://endertranslate.superlion.fr/# Languages# Patterns are the banner patterns for the banner item in the lang gui, each pattern should be identifer;color e.g "dls;0"# https://www.gamergeeks.net/apps/minecraft/banners/country-flags# On this site you have a lot of country banners, when you see in the give command for example {Pattern:ls,Color:14}, add a line with "ls;14"languages:english:title:ยง7Englishmaterial:BLUE_BANNERpatterns: - dls;0 - drs;0 - cr;14 - cs;0 - ms;0 - sc;14french:title:ยง7Frenchmaterial:WHITE_BANNERpatterns: - rs;14 - rs;14 - ls;11 - ls;11