Conversation is a plugin to create complex conversations with NPC or sign or things.
You can create conversation with a YML file with a simple specific syntax, the plugin is really permissive if you know how to code the API is super cool and let you create every possible thing you can want in a conversation.
If you want a specific feature to be added you can always ask me to add it on the support discord.
Example of a basic conversation using npc as trigger
Bob:triggers:npc:id:11triggers: - leftclickoptions: - hideChat - moveawaytoend{r=4} - shifttoend - endstep{s=end} - noDamagepatterns:green:"a651"name:"&8[&2Bob§8]&7:"steps:hello:type:delayed-textdelay:15text: - "{name}" - "&7Hi %player_name%, how are you ?"next:dwhatDoYouWant:type:movement-text-choicetext:0: - "{name}"1: - "&7Do you need something ?"2: - "&8- &7What is the price of your wood ?" - "&8- &eWhat is the price of your wood ?"3: - "&8- &7I'm Stronger than you !" - "&8- &eI'm Stronger than you !"4: - "&8- &7Let's fight ! I'm sure that I'm the best !" - "&8- &eLet's fight ! I'm sure that I'm the best !"choices:price,nop,combatprice:type:delayed-textdelay:15text: - "{name}" - "&6&l10$ &7the plank"next:whatDoYouWantnop:type:delayed-textdelay:15text:1: - "{name}" - "&7You're obviously not"2: - "&7But you can buy me 򌔍wood &7!"next:whatDoYouWantcombat:type:console-commandcommand:"kill %player_name%"next:youCantBeatMe:type:delayed-texttext:1: - "{name}" - "&7You can't beat me I'm the best of the world"end:type:delayed-texttext: - "{name}" - "&7Ciao %player_name% !"